Thirdmill Institute works alongside churches, educational institutions, and Christian leaders to foster an environment that helps individuals grow in their knowledge and faith. This deep cultivation then leads the whole community to grow and prosper as well. It is through the helping hand of one another that Thirdmill Institute may reach the farthest out areas in need of sound theological and biblical teaching.

The Institute has been brought to Central Asia and has reached multitudes of churches and pastors who have used Institute materials and methods. Pastor Igor at a church in Siberia was introduced to Thirdmill last year at a training event and has been active with the Institute since. As Pastor Igor and his wife have been leading the people in their church, they have also been ministering to the Khanty people for over 30 years. They are now introducing them to Thirdmill Institute in the hopes that they will be in a Learning Community.

The Khanty are a people of the Northern part of Siberia who are mainly engaged in raising deer and hunting forest animals. They settle as families in different places across a vast territory far from each other. Although they have their own language, they use the Bible in Russian and have also been provided with audio translations of the Gospels in the Khanty language.

Pastor Igor invited our Central Asia Regional Director to hold an event about Thirdmill Institute with the church and Khanty people. Our Regional Director says, “These people are so good. The church is eager to learn and the pastor is enthusiastic about starting the Institute.”

Because many of the Khanty still hold fast to their long history of ancient cultural traditions, it is important that they are presented with sound Biblical teaching. Therefore, at Thirdmill Institute, we want our curriculum to be available to and used by anyone at any point in their faith journey.

To learn more about what courses would be best to begin with, check out our FAQ videos that will answer many of your starting questions. If you want to begin learning as a student click the “CLASSROOM LOGIN” button at the top of the page to start the registration process.

By Josieann Ownbey

The Khanty people watching a Thirdmill           Institute lesson series video.