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Thirdmill Institute Makes Complex Concepts Easily Understandable

The Bible tells us a simple truth: the steadfast love of God and our redemption from sin through His Son, Jesus Christ. This truth is told through thousands of years of histories, testimonies, and stories that are complex and would take any human a whole lifetime to understand. [...]

2023-12-20T15:40:13-05:00December 20, 2023|Blog|

Thirdmill Institute Makes A Difference

Thirdmill Institute works with churches, educational institutions, and Christian leaders to help foster an environment that helps individuals grow in their knowledge and faith. This deep cultivation then leads the whole of that community to grow and prosper as well. It is through strong and faithful partnerships that [...]

2023-11-29T16:07:29-05:00November 29, 2023|Blog|

Thirdmill Institute’s Learning Communities

At Thirdmill Institute, we believe that learning is most effective when individuals come together in groups that share a common goal. The Institute works with churches and Christian leaders to create local training communities. These Learning Communities consist of students and local Trainers working together to deepen their [...]

2024-03-05T13:21:41-05:00November 8, 2023|Blog|

Thirdmill Institute is Accessible to Everyone

Thirdmill Institute’s curriculum is designed to cater to an array of churches, schools, groups, and individuals. The Institute recognizes that some countries, communities, and churches across the globe may not have the means to access proper theological training or the educational ability to understand through common ways of learning. [...]

2023-10-30T20:00:26-04:00October 25, 2023|Blog|

Thirdmill Institute’s Training Events

FAQs Thirdmill Institute was purposefully created to have churches and local Christian leaders come together to create and foster a space to help one another grow in Biblical knowledge and ministry skills. These spaces are known as learning communities that are led by someone in the local community, [...]

2024-02-06T14:37:10-05:00October 11, 2023|Blog|
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