Introducing Online Learning Communities – Fall 2023
In August of 2023 Thirdmill Institute will begin online Learning Communities for those around the world who haven’t been able to find a Trainer or join a Local Learning Community. These online Learning Communities will work like every other Learning Community. Students will study the material at home, watching the videos, studying and taking quizzes and will then meet online each week with an Institute staff member to discuss that week’s module.
Applications are open now through July 15, 2023. Classes begin in August.
Applicants must be available to meet for an hour and a half each week with their Learning Community between 9-5 PDT Monday – Friday. Meeting times will be announced in July.
For now, all online learning communities will be conducted in English.
What is a Learning Community?
One of the most dynamic parts of the Thirdmill Institute is that it is designed to be done in small groups, which we call Learning Communities. Studies have shown that being able to discuss with others what you are learning online or in class significantly improves retention and understanding of the material.
With that in mind, Institute students will regularly meet with their Learning Community to discuss and apply what they have studied to ensure they understand it. In these regularly held meetings, they will also learn how to apply what they learned to various ministry situations and to their relationship with God.
Who Can Be in an Online Learning Community?
Online Learning Communities are available on a limited basis:
- Have you searched for a local learning community?
Are you involved in a church? Have you asked others to join you in these studies? You can lead a local learning community even if you haven’t yet studied the material. Find out more here and on our Frequently Asked Questions page.
Still can’t find a learning community? Read on…
Students in online learning communities must also:
- Be committed to doing the work involved each week.
The coursework takes about 3-5 hours per week to complete, in addition to one and half hours spent with your learning community. - Be willing to invest what they learn back into their communities.
Our expectation is that everyone who is part of a learning community with be actively involved in their local church, and will use this education to spread God’s word into their local community. - Commit to leading a learning community (either in person or online) when they have completed the courses.